Love how losing a sense can heighten our awareness of its impact on our perception and memory. Another fun twist on sensory detail is incorporating elements of synaesthesia -- using one sense to describe another. A friend once captured the smell of fresh-cut grass as "deep green" -- a logical impossibility, but evocative nonetheless!

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Yes, I love that!

Your comment reminded me of this review of shampoo and conditioner from two different brands that Natalie shared in her workshop, as well:

"Most exhausting shower of life since these two had Battle Giant Squid v. Sabre-Tooth Tiger on the squared circle of my head. Who will win, beak + tentacle or fang + claw? I know I'm the loser, nearly strangulated with my own hair, I thought lavender soap would keep the peace but instead it got smacked with a folding chair. Aqua-refresh-mint and cumined rose, each wonderful by themselves but together they hiss and entangle, I'm surprised I can pull a comb through, it really should be snarl of snarl."

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