This is the first in a series called Open Questions. Our hope is for this to be a recurring space for Foster writers to openly discuss the questions that matter to us, and create a fun conversational scene here on Substack.
Big questions, earnestly explored, are a bit like magic. We call these FUQs, or Frequently Unanswered Questions and they are our focus in Foster Season 4.
When we sit with the uncertainty and wonder of a FUQ, without trying to resolve it right away, new intellectual and cultural worlds begin to open up. And that power is amplified when we do it alongside others.
So that’s what we’ll be doing here. Each week, we’ll pose a big question that’s top of mind for the collective. And if the question sparks something for you, share your perspective. Let loose. Have fun.
Today’s question: What are you most curious about right now? What’s the biggest question currently lurking beneath the surface of your writing and life?
Here are some examples of questions our Stewards have been pondering:
How can I be the change I want to see in marketing and media? (rob hardy 🦌)
How can I attune my attention in service of love & beauty? (Steph Soussloff)
Is it possible to change the system from within it? (Dan Hunt)
How can we live so that our internal fire continues to rage well into middle age and beyond? (Sara Campbell)
Okay, your turn!
Share your curiosities below and discover what other writers in our ecosystem are inquiring about.
A big one for me is and has always been, how do I reconcile my seemingly unquenchable need for wildness and chaos with a healthy, productive life?
And lately, it’s how do I remember to bring f&$king reading glasses with me everywhere? 😭
I've been expanding my view of God and my faith into a meta/cosmic/universe leveI and I'm wondering how can it be applied in my day to day existence, so that I can continue to grow and unfold.
It's changed every part of my life from how I view myself and how I interact with people around me. It's a curious question that pervades my entire life.